Environmental Museum of Stymphalia

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Museum Details
Location: Corinthia, P.C. 20016 Stymphalia
Tel. : 0030 27470 22296
e-mail: piop@pireusbank.gr
Website: www.piop.gr
Open Every day except Tuesday
Summer: (March 1st – October 15th) 10:00-18:00
Winter (October 16th -February28th) 10:00-17:00
Over Lake Stymphalia, on the slope of a lush green hill, is the country’s first Environmental Museum. It was there, according to the mythology, that Hercules accomplished his 6th feat by killing the Stymphalian Birds. The myth says, that these birds were so many, that when they flew they hid the sun. So, Hercules killed these Birds and freed the people from the diseases and misery that plagued them.
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