Spiropoulou Winery

Wineries   /  
Winery Details
Location: Nemea, Corinthia
Telephone: 27960 61400
Fax: 27960 61406
Website: http://www.domainspiropoulos.com
The family Spyropoulos has very close ties with the vine and wine from the late 19th century . Witness this relationship is the old ” winery ” family is just a few meters from the main installations of Ancient Mantinea . This building dates to about 1890 and one can observe two wine presses and underground tanks to collect the wort .The family Spyropoulos has very close ties with the vine and wine from the late 19th century . Witness this relationship is the old ” winery ” family is just a few meters from the main installations of Ancient Mantinea . This building dates to about 1890 and one can observe two wine presses and underground tanks to collect the wort . This building had been lost by the owner family Spyropoulos before too many years . But around 1995 bought and restored , and one was on the verge of complete destructionAlways in the family had vineyards . Of course , they assured only wine of the family and not part of a commercial activity . Things changed , however, in the 1970s . It was then that Epaminondas Spyropoulos , current CEO and Chairman of the Administrative Council of the Estate Spyropoulos , based more instinct and less logic, diagnosed the specific conditions prevailing in the region of Mantinea for viticulture and , more importantly , realized how special the Moshofilero and momentum could have. So , has purchased an estate in the Artemision at Mantinea and settled there one of the first , if not the first, linear vineyard in Arcadia and Peloponnese , by subject, to shore up a total area of ​​about 12 acres. The vine that grew longer and the production of grapes in the family far beyond its needs. The natural result was those extra grapes sold. This was essentially the first act of birth of Domaine Spyropoulos in the form it has today . The events followed a path that brings us to the mid- 80s when the possession of the family , were close to 80 acres of vineyard.But had not yet recognized the value of Moschofilero . With few exceptions , the grapes were sold at prices exeftilistikes and blended with other white varieties from all over Greece to improve ordinary table wines. Then the decision was taken by Epaminondas Spyropoulos initially and by his brothers in a second phase , to create Domaine Spyropoulos . Finally , the grapes of the family would face the fate they deserved ! So things have followed an upward trend reaching today , 20 years after its founding , the Estate Spyropoulos is what we know . A family business with a turnover of more than 2 million euros , with sales in Greece and in countries throughout the world and most importantly … with name space and the wine market .

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