Alexandros Papanastasiou Museum

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Location: Arcadia
In the village of Levidi, in Arcadia, the birthplace of Alexandros Papanastasiou, a museum was created, with the purpose of revealing to the public moments from the life and the fascinating course of this great Greek politician. The museum was founded in 1976 and it is housed in the Town Hall. Here the visitor will have the chance to admire exhibits from the politician’s personal belongings, such as his costumes, gloves, worry beads, umbrella, as well as other items connected with his political career, such as his prime minister’s cap and his resignation letter, which he sent to Eleftherios Venizelos. There is also a plethora of photographs from various moments of his life, as well as his personal library, which has more than 2,000 volumes. The most impressive of all exhibits, of course, is the brain of Alexandros Papanastasiou, which is kept here, preserved in special chemicals! The museum of Alexandros Papanastasiou was founded in Levidi, in the prefecture of Arcadia, which was the birthplace of the great politician, and it’s entirely dedicated to his life and work. The museum is housed inside the premises of the Town Hall and it opened in 1976.Alexandros Papanastasiou was a politician with a brilliant career. He was Prime Minister of Greece in the years between 1924 and 1932. However, in 1932 he resigned from his political office, by means of a letter he sent to Eleftherios Venizelos on June 3rd. Four years later he died suddenly. The museum, which was established in his hometown to honour him, houses various exhibits from his personal and professional life. There is an extensive photographic archive, with rare personal and family pictures, his personal book collection that includes around 2,000 volumes, as well as several personal items, such as suits, a jacket, his prime minister’s cap, his gloves and umbrella, a rosary, a handgun, his degree certificates and a large part of his correspondence, including his letter of resignation to Venizelos.This museum, which pays tribute to this prominent personality of the Greek political arena, also houses another exhibit, which is one of the strangest things anyone would expect to see in such a place: the brain of Alexandros Papanastasiou is preserved in a jar filled with a special fluid, which is on display in an attempt to showcase his genius mind. According to a rumor, his brain was oversized and they preserved it for future scientific research.
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